
A multiscale 3D CNN with double-branch dense block and attention mechanism for fog prediction.

FogNet overview

This webpage is a portal the FogNet source code, datasets, and published material.


Kamangir, H., Collins, W., Tissot, P., King, S. A., Dinh, H. T. H., Durham, N., & Rizzo, J. (2021).
FogNet: A multiscale 3D CNN with double-branch dense block and attention mechanism for fog prediction.
Machine Learning with Applications, 5, 100038.
Link (ScienceDirect)
Kamangir, H., Krell, E., Collins, W., King, S. A., Tissot, P. (2022).
Importance of 3D convolution and physics on a deep learning coastal fog model
Environmental Modelling & Software, 105424.
Link (ScienceDirect)
Krell, E., Kamangir, H., Collins, W., King, S. A., & Tissot, P. (2023).
Aggregation Strategies to Improve XAI for Geoscience Models That Use Correlated, High-Dimensional Rasters
Environmental Data Science.
Manuscript accepted, available soon


Kamangir, H., Tissot, P., Collins, W., King, S. A., Dinh, H. T. H., Durham, N., & Rizzo, J. (2021, January).
FogNet: A Multiscale 3D CNN with an Attention Mechanism and a Dense Block for Fog Predictions.
In 101st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. AMS.
Link (AMS 101)

Explaining Complex 3D Atmospheric CNNs Using SHAP-Based Channel-Wise XAI Techniques with Interactive 3D Visualization
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Science Summer School 2021

Kamangir, H., Krell, E., Collins, W. G., King, S. A., & Tissot, P. E. (2022, January).
Importance of 3D Convolution-and Physics-Based Modeling of Atmospheric Predictions: Fog Forecasting Case Study.
In 102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. AMS.
Link (AMS 102)

Krell, E., Kamangir, H., Friesen, J., Judge, J., Collins, W. G., King, S. A., & Tissot, P. E. (2022, January).
Explaining Complex 3D Atmospheric CNNs Using SHAP-Based Channel-wise XAI Techniques with Interactive 3D Visualization.
In 102nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. AMS.
Link (ResearchGate)

The Influence of Feature Aggregation for Explainable AI for High Dimensional Geoscience Applications
DoD Cloud Post-Processing and Verification Workshop



Link to DataShare

The following link contains a variety of datasets related to FogNet. Because of the large size of the input data, it is not included with the GitHub repo and must be downloaded separately. The steps to do so are documented in the source code README.



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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under award 2019758.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


License: CC0
The data & source code are licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal license.